Tamins and Reichenau are two villages that for most people have merged into one over time, located an the juncture of Vorder and Hinter Rhine. The Rhaetian Railway station where the lines to Surselva valley and to central Graubünden separate isn't called Reichenau-Tamins for nothing. Kunkels Pass is a well-known location for mountain bikers from near and far. The peak of Ringelspitze is the top of Tamins at 3,247 metres above sea level. Tamins shares its peak with the neighbouring village of Trin and with the canton of St. Gallen across the pass.
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"Rhäzünser isch gsünser", or Rhäzünser is healthier, is the slogan for Rhäzüns mineral water that has gained nation-wide fame. But the village at the entrance to Domleschg valley and the holiday region of Viamala has much more in store - like the breathtaking cableway across the Rhine!
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