Entdecken Sie bei einem Rundgang durch das Domschatzmuseum die bedeutenden Kunstwerke des Domschatzes und den Todesbilderzyklus von 1543 nach Motiven von Hans Holbein d.J.
Tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte des Weins und entdecken Sie das einzigartige Weinbaumuseum. Nach einer Weinprobe mit feinen Häppchen folgt ein Bündner Menu im Restaurant.
As an hotel overnight guest in Chur who has to pay the tourist tax, you can enjoy numerous advantages with the guest card. With it, you benefit from various inclusive services and attractive discounts during your stay.
The City E-Guide by Chur Tourism is the individual city tour for your mobile phone or tablet. With the free app, you can explore the city on your own. All kinds of interesting facts about history, culture, sights and much more are available in the app at any time. You can choose from various tours of different lengths, which can be adapted to your starting point thanks to GPS positioning.