Alpine City products

Video Alpine City products
The perfect gift idea - also for business travellers
Alpine City salsiz
Metzgerei Mark, which runs Altstadt Metzgerei, has launched a traditional Graubünden speciality together with Chur Tourism – the Alpine City salsiz. This uncooked sausage made from local beef and pork is refined with herbs, Merlot and Bündner Marc. The sausages are produced in Prättigau and then left for
Available at
Obere Gasse 22, 7000 Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 252 35 43

Alpine City ice cream
Chur – la vera dolce vita! The coolest member of the Alpine City product family is the ice cream, which is a hit with young and old alike. It is produced by the Gelateria evviva, located on Kornplatz in Chur's Old Town, using almost exclusively local ingredients. The flavours on offer are vanilla, chocolate, natural yoghurt, hazelnut, fior di latte, elderberry, coffee, tiramisù, strawberry, wild berry and pistachio. Buon appetito!
Available at
Evviva Plankis
Kornplatz 9, 7000 Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 252 40 21

Alpine City nut tart
This nut tart is made using mainly local ingredients, such as Gran Alpin flower, eggs, Alpine butter and Chur Röteli cherry liqueur, and is produced by confectioners in the centre of Chur. The tart lasts well and is ideal as a souvenir for holiday guests. What's more, not only the tart but also the box is very special, for it only reveals the Alpine City – that is, its tart – layer by layer.
Available at
Confiserie u. Café Maron
Bahnhofplatz, Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 253 53 53
Konditorei Merz
Bahnhofstrasse 22 or in the under-passage of the train station, Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 257 15 15

Alpine City bottle with schnapps glass
When glass-blower Muja goes for a walk along the Rhine, he does not just do this for pure enjoyment, but also to collect things. Such as, for example, stones that have been shaped and polished in the course of thousands of years. These he fixes onto Alpine City bottles and schnapps glasses which, adorned with the Capricorn symbol, he then sells to be filled with local specialities. For example, Chur Röteli cherry liqueur from the former Ullius drugstore.
Available at
Muja Glass Design
Untere Gasse 28, Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 284 41 77

Alpine city cheese (Mutschli)
This cheese is anything but an ordinary cheese! The combination of fresh Churer goat's milk, roasted hemp seeds and dried hemp blossoms is convincing all along the line.
The Mutschli is the result of a collaboration between Chur Tourism and the Hosang'sche Stiftung Plankis, where the cheese is produced with goat's milk from their own farm. Hemp seeds and hemp flowers come from AlpenPionier in Tschiertschen.
Available at
Shop at Hosang'sche Stiftung Plankis
Emserstrasse 40
7000 Chur

Alpine City chocolate
The chocolate with the most delicate nugget and walnut filling, created by Chur confectioner's, Konditorei Merz, simply melt on the tongue and are absolutely irresistible. In order to keep the memory of Chur alive a little longer, they come with a Memory game, bearing attractive motifs of the Alpine City.
Available at
Konditorei Merz
Bahnhofstrasse 22 or in the under-passage of the train station, Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 257 15 15

Alpine City kitchen towel and decorative cushions
The decorative cushions and kitchen towels of the Chur linen weaving mill show Chur's landmarks such as the Old Town, the Obertor, the Martinskirche and the Rhaetian Railway in a fresh way. Perfect for everyone who loves our city and wants to take a piece of Chur home with them.
Available at
Chur Tourism, Regional Information Centre in the under-passage of the Chur train station
Tel. +41 81 252 18 18
Leinenweberei Chur, Schlaf- und Liegezentrum
Ringstrasse 15, Chur
Tel. +41 (0)81 252 17 48