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Arosa Line

Chur is the oldest city in Switzerland. Arosa is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland. In between there is a 1000 metre difference in altitude and an hour's train ride of the most wonderful kind. 19 tunnels, dizzying passages over 41 bridges and the world-famous Langwieser viaduct crown the journey with the Rhaetian Railway through the picturesque Schanfigg.

On only 26 kilometres the Arosa Line climbs 1000 metres. As a tram she strolls through Chur - past the city wall, the Malteser Tower and the Obertor. Minutes later the train turns through untouched nature and the mountain landscapes of the Schanfigg - a primeval valley in which picturesque farming villages alternate with strange rock formations. Arrived in Arosa, the excursionists can expect a magnificent mountain world with many sights and leisure opportunities.

On average, 60 promille rises are managed by the railway. 52 bridges and viaducts will be crossed, 19 tunnels and 12 galleries. The Langwieser viaduct, with a height of 64m and a length of 284m, is the world's first concreted railway bridge of this size.

Video: From Arosa to Chur

Watch Von Chur nach Arosa – Die Arosalinie in 7'500 Bildern on YouTube.