Running events in Chur and surroundings
Running events in Chur
5 km
Jogging and/or biking up the Mittenberg. It takes place twice a year.
Churer Stadtlauf by
21.1 km / 10.55 km / 5.275 km / Children's routes
Charity half marathon in the city of Chur, participation also possible as a team in the relay. Special short distances for children as well as a Special Olympics category.
Trail Run Chur
6.9 km / 12.5 km / 15.7 km / 28.2 km
Event for trail runners with challenging, but rewarding and scenic routes, mainly on Chur's local mountain.
Churer Fürstenwald Lauf
1 km / 4 km
Event for children, juniors and adults in the Fürstenwald woodlands.
B2Run Chur
Running and nordic walking event for companies.
Churer Laufparade
640 m per lap
City relay for teams, at the same time the Churer Staffel-Schüeli / UBS Kids-Cup takes place.
Running events in the Graubünden Rhine Valley
Wingert Event, Felsberg
8 km / 16 km
Jogging or walking through the beautiful landscape between Felsberg and Tamins.
Bündner Frühlingslauf
21.1 km / 10 km
Running event for joggers and nordic walkers between Thusis and Reichenau.
19 km / 15.8 km / 11.5 km / 4.4 km / Children's routes
Run between Thusis, Andeer and Donat through the Viamala Gorge for joggers and walkers as well as special routes for children.
Transruinaulta / Transruinaulta Curta
42 km / 24 km
Trail marathon between Ilanz and Thusis or Ilanz and Rhäzüns, which leads through the Rhine Gorge.