Graubünden Dried Meat

They are up to 35 cm long, red and juicy - the Graubünden Dried Meat pieces. In a complex working process, the pieces of beef are processed and refined into specialities. Each piece of Graubünden Dried Meat carries a piece of age-old tradition and traditional knowledge. And when such an «energy donor» - cut wafer-thin and eaten by hand - also tastes delicious, then you can well understand why this natural product has become an unmistakable part of the canton.
Recipe Graubünden Dried Meat - Tartar
Ingredients (for approx. 4 people)
- 50 g egg sponges cleanly prepared
- 150 g Graubünden Dried Meat cut into slices. Remove the tough outer layer.
- 1 tbsp each carrot and courgette cubes
- 1 egg yolk
- Toss the egg sponges briefly in a little butter and leave to dry in a sieve.
- Chop finely.
- Cut the Graubünden Dried Meat into very fine cubes.
- Add the mushrooms to the meat.
- Add the carrot and courgette cubes and the egg yolk.
- Season to taste and mix well.
Divide the tartare into four portions and form into rounds, serve with the egg sponges and toast.