Graubünden Pear Bread

Ingredients (for approx. 4 people)
- 10 g yeast
- 1 tsp sugar
- 250 g white flour
- 1 pinch of salt
- 25 g butter flakes
- lukewarm milk Filling
- 250 g dried pears
- 100 g figs
- 100 g sultanas
- 25 g candied orange peel
- 25 g candied lemon peel
- 50 g hazelnuts
- 75 g walnuts
- 10 g pear bread seasoning
- 1/4 dl fruit brandy or calvados
Mix the dough, yeast and sugar. Put the flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl and add the yeast. Add 25 g butter flakes and lukewarm milk and knead into a dough. Cover and leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
Grind the dried pears and figs. Add the sultanas, candied orange peel and candied lemon peel. Pour over 1/4 dl fruit brandy and marinate for some time. Add the hazelnuts, tree nuts and pear bread seasoning. Add 3/4 of the dough to the filling, knead well and let rest for 1/2 hour.
Shape the filling into an oblong loaf. Roll out the rest of the yeast dough into a rectangle, Brush the ends of the dough with egg yolk. Roll the filling into the dough. Brush with egg yolk and prick with a fork. Leave to rest for 29 minutes.
Baking time
Bake in a preheated oven at 200° for 30 minutes, finish baking at 180° for one hour.