Event Chur

Chur Seed Library – "1 x 1 of the seed harvest"

Lecture and workshop with Karin Roth


23.08.2024 from 18:00 to 20:15 o'clock
Entrance free
Chur City Library

Lecture "1 x 1 of the seed harvest"
August and September are the peak season for the seed harvest – everything is ripe. But how is the seed harvested, dried and stored correctly? Karin Roth will discuss the 1 x 1 of seed harvesting in her lecture:

the ideal harvest time for seeds
the extraction of seeds
Cleaning and packaging of the seeds
many useful tips and tricks

Workshop in the Sennhofgarten
The lecture will be followed by a workshop in the Sennhofgarten – what has been learned will immediately be put into practice. The Sennhofgarten is an urban gardening project of "HEKS/EPER New Gardens Chur". Together with Karin Roth, we discover what types of fruit the plants have developed and harvest pods, capsules and much more.

Karin Roth is a gardener and variety manager Pro Specie Rara (throughout Switzerland). She lives in Thusis and lovingly nurtures her permaculture garden there. She is also a permaculture designer, initiator of the Permaculture Regiogruppe Graubünden and site manager of HEKS/EPER New Gardens Chur.

Program August 23
6 p.m. City Library: Lecture "1 x 1 of the seed harvest"
7 p.m. Walk to the Sennhofgarten
7.15 p.m. Seed harvesting workshop
8.15 p.m. open closing

without registration
Entrance free
Take your collected and dry seed heads with you to clean.


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