Event Chur

Salomon Hicks (Blues Concert)

Solomon Hicks is a guitarist, singer and composer from New York.


21.08.2024 from 20:00 to 22:00 o'clock
Tickets: 50.-
Members Bluesclub Chur 40.-
Students, Kulturlegi 20.-
Streaming Hall, Handmade Music

Solomon Hicks is a guitarist, singer and composer from New York. He became interested in music at a very early age and started playing the guitar at the age of six. Growing up in Harlem, he was constantly surrounded by music. Growing up surrounded by blues music, Solomon experienced musicians who significantly influenced his ambitions as a musician, and he says, "When you're around good musicians, it gives you that spark. "Being around musicians like that also taught me not to be the fastest guitarist.

I wanted to be the one who knew the most riffs and had a lot of knowledge to fall back on so I could play anything and with anyone. Solomon won the 2021 Blues Music Award for Best Emerging Artist for his 2020 CD Harlem, released on Provogue Records. Produced and recorded by multiple Grammy Award winner Kirk Yano (Miles Davis, Public Enemy, Mariah Carey), the set showcases Hicks as a songwriter, musician and performer.

Text website Salomon Hicks, abridged, translated with deepl.com

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Streaming Hall, Handmade Music

Grossbruggerweg 3, 7000 Chur

Responsible for this content mail@handmade-music.ch.
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