
Pizokels is a flour dish known throughout Graubünden in countless variations. The dough can be compared to that of Knöpfli or Spätzli. It is always spread on a wet wooden board and should not be too thin. Using a sharp knife, strips, corners or pieces - pizokels - are cut directly into the liquid.
Ingredients (for approx. 4 people)
Ingredients for spaetzli dough
- 250 g flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 dl milk
- 1 ssp salt
- 1 tbsp oil
- 3-5 large potatoes, raw
Spaetzli water
- 3 l boiling water
- 1 tbsp oil
- 2 tbsp salt
Other ingredients
- 150 g cheese
- 50 g gourmet butter
Make a thick spaetzli dough with the flour, eggs, milk, salt and oil.
Peel the large potatoes, grate them into the dough using a Bircher grater, mix, let the dough rest.
Using a spoon or a sharp knife, cut out pizokel (large spaetzli) and leave to soak in salted water until they float on top and are cooked.
Sprinkle over the grated cheese in layers and melt over the hot butter.