
You will find plenty of parking options in Chur. Whether near the old town or directly by the shopping centre, here you will find an overview of parking spaces and multi-storey car parks in the city.
Bus parking
Short-term parking spaces at Bahnhofplatz (station)
Parking time 15 minutes
at the side of Weststrasse, next to the parking lot of the Chur-Brambrüesch Cableways & city hall, entrance via Kasernenstrasse
Car park "Obere Au" (motorway exit Chur Süd)
Costs according to signalisation
Lindenquai (motorway exit Chur Süd, direction city centre, near Old Town)
2 places at Sägenstrasse on Freihofplatz (200m from Lindenquai, entrance via Kasernenstrasse)