Stage 1, Hüttentour Mittelbünden: Tschiertschen – Sapün

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The ideal starting point for the Hüttentour Mittelbünden is the city of Chur. Here you get on the post bus to Tschiertschen and load the bikes from the rear rack 760 meters up at the terminus. This bus runs hourly, and there is room for up to five bikes on each bus. In Tschiertschen, your own muscle power is then called for. On asphalt and later on gravel roads, you climb up to the well-known Ochsenalp (restaurant), the first culmination of the tour. Gravel roads remain the basis for a while, on which you finally reach the Isel reservoir in the valley floor of Arosa.
A wonderful, varied and easy descent follows along the young Plessur stream to just below Litzirüti, where the second ascent of the day begins. This leads for 550 meters in altitude on a gravel road to the historic Walser settlement of Medergen. This almost leads to the final descent to Sapün. This begins at Seebijboden a little above the settlement. The singletrail descent is fun, varied but also demanding in places. It leads down into the Sapün valley to just below the Heimeli inn, the exceptional destination of the first stage of the Central Grisons hut tour.
The Hüttentour Mittelbünden is a three-day mountain bike tour in the region between Chur, Arosa and Davos. The ascents are primarily mastered under their own power and lead over easily rideable paths. The sections from Chur to Tschiertschen and from Küblis to St. Antönien are covered by post bus. The descents are mainly on smooth single trails, but experience in alpine mountain biking is an advantage. On the hut tour, all luggage is included in the backpack for three days, no luggage transport is possible. However, the selected huts are of hotel standard.
Tschiertschen - Ochsneralp - Reservoir Isel - Litzirüti - Medergen - Sapün
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