Tschiertschen - Ochsenalp - Arosa (01)

From the village centre (1343 m above sea level) M), the trail leads through the upper village, through the "Runcs" hollow and the "Bödem" holiday home area to the fountain in the "Clüs". From there, turn left and follow the path, slightly uphill, to the "Alpbach" (1576 m above sea level). M) and then a little steeper, until the junction to the Urdental. The Ochsenalpweg now leads practically flat along the "Bleiswald" towards the "Urdenbach", which you cross after a short ascent into the "Löser" (1683 m above sea level). The path now climbs along the steep mountain flank below the "Weisshorn" and the striking "Güdaspitz" to the "Gatter" (1871 m above sea level). M). This section of the trail offers beautiful views of Tschiertschen and the Urdental valley. From the "Gatter" the path leads flat to the "Ochsenalp" with the popular mountain restaurant (1936 m above sea level). From here you can reach Arosa (1739 m above sea level). M) on the wide hiking trail over the "Rot Tritt" (2006 m.a.s.l. M, nice view of the rear Schanfigg).
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