Graubünden Nut Tart

The Nut Tart - once mainly produced in the Engadine valley - did not originate in Graubünden. It was brought to Graubünden by local confectioners from the southern regions where the walnut is at home. Today it is a common «souvenir» from Graubünden.
- 300 g flour
- 150 g sugar
- 150 g butter
- 1 egg
- 1 pinch of salt
- 300 g sugar
- 250 g nut kernels chopped
- 2 dl cream
Mix the ingredients into a dough. Reserve 250 g of the dough for the lid. Cover the cake tin with the remaining dough, 3 cm high rim.
Brown the sugar, mix in the nuts, add the cream and let it bubble up twice. Pour the mixture into the tin and place the lid on top. Put the tin into the cold oven and set to hot for 10 minutes, then to medium. Bake the cake until light yellow.